This painting belongs to the series “Musical Collection of Keys”. It was painted to the music of “Queen”, Spread Your Wings that I love dearly. It’s been inspiring me for a new day for decades. The first sounds break into mind to bring freshness and at that particular moment ice starts breaking…
“Spread your wings and fly away…
That's because you're a free man” – Freddie sings.
I totally relate to it: just like this guy in the song I used to work in a cheap pizzeria where I had to clean up after unsavory types, then - as a waitress in a rock-club and in a restaurant for 6 years. And all of that was just because I couldn’t decide to take charge and dare to wish what I really desire! But sooner or later ice starts breaking and “thaw” starts. That’s what happened to me. I spread my wings and became what I’ve always wanted – an artist.