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Ekaterina Korchagina was born in 1981 in Moscow in the family

of a journaliand a painter. From an early age she studied

music in musical сhoir school Vesna (Spring) in

Moscow. Ekaterina has always been interested in painting but only by the age of 30 when she already was an experienced accompanist and a teacher of academic singing she became

an active painter. Ekaterina studied painting and graphics at the Academic School of Design in Moscow. And also studied contemporary art in  School "Free workshops" at MOMMA in Moscow.

There is no past and no future. Just our interpretation of it (series “Traces Of Memories”) Even in the present there is not much of reality. I am an artist. And my inner child is my good friend. I paint my life on the canvas so as to please this child (series “Roots”), to say ’thank-you’ to this child for giving me new ideas for my work. My most important muse is music. It is my lighthouse, my salvation and my inspiration. When I paint my favorite music on the canvas I make it tangible. I  can touch music which was invisible before. I can see it and feel it so close as if i am talking again to my dear friend who has long gone   (series “Musical collection of keys”).

"My artworks is about how in the Universe everything is part of one Whole. Everything matters. Small things are always part of something bigger; dreams and fantasies are part of the real world; and the past, present and future are interrelated and sometimes interchanged.”

November, 2016 – painting F-dur from the Musical collection of keys – first place in the

International Contest of Abstract Painting, nomination: abstract expressionism, category:


November, 2016 –painting “C-dur” from the Musical collection of keys –second place in the

International Contest of Abstract Painting, nomination: abstract expressionism, category:


May, 2016 – painting “Waiting till the storm stops” was the winner of the International

Contest of Abstract and Avant-garde art (Artweek 2016) at Moscow Central House of

Artists, category: profi, nomination: abstract painting.

May, 2016 – painting "Dandelion" was the winner of the International Contest of Abstract

and Avant-Garde art (Artweek 2016) at Moscow Central House of Artists, category: profi,

nomination: abstract landscape

(co-artist Marine Bartosh)

2017, September – Asia Contemprorary Art Buyer, Hong Kong.

November, 2017 – painting “Way Towards Light” was ranked second at the International

Contest of Abstract and avant-garde art at Artplay Center, Moscow

November, 2017 – “Earthling” was ranked second at the International Contest of Abstract

and avant-garde art at Artplay Center, nomination: portrait of a famous person, Moscow

2017, November. The Painting «Way Towards Light” was ranked second in the International Avant-garde Art Competition, Art, Artplay, Moscow. 

2018, January – took part in the exhibition – contest “Modern Avant-garde”, Central House of Artists, Moscow.
2018, March – personal exhibition in the choral musical school “Vesna”, Moscow.

2018, April – personal exhibition in the Big Wine Freek Bar, Moscow. 
2018, September – personal exhibition in SDM- Center Gallery, Moscow

2018- 2020- artist-resident in the restaurant “Coffemania”, Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 13/6

2019-2020 –graduated from the course "Modern Art” in "Free Workshops” at ММOМА

2019- took part in the project "Coordinates” at the Centre of Creative Industries “Fabrika”, Moscow

2020- took part in the project "Free Off //Breaking Free

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